FAB - French American and British classification scheme for leukaemia
FAB stands for French American and British classification scheme for leukaemia
Here you will find, what does FAB stand for in Oncology under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate French American and British classification scheme for leukaemia? French American and British classification scheme for leukaemia can be abbreviated as FAB What does FAB stand for? FAB stands for French American and British classification scheme for leukaemia. What does French American and British classification scheme for leukaemia mean?French American and British classification scheme for leukaemia is an expansion of FAB
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Alternative definitions of FAB
- French American British
- Fresh Across The Border
- Frequency Allocation Board
- Feature Advantage And Benefit
- Fresh, Artistic, And Brilliant
- Features, Accomplishments, And Benefits
- Fulfillment Assurance And Billing
View 83 other definitions of FAB on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- FAGCF FAG Creative Foods
- FAGCI Federal Agency of Government Communications and Information
- FAGCR First Assembly of God Cedar Rapids
- FAGD Fine Artist and Graphic Designer
- FAGE Gogh Island airport
- FAGF Grootfontein, Namibia
- FAGG George airport
- FAGGOTS Falkner-Eggington Association of Great ale, Great cider, and Other Tasty Stuff
- FAGGSS FAG Graphic Systems Sa
- FAGH Glen Gray airport
- FAGI Giyani airport
- FAGICL First Aid Group International Company Limited
- FAGJ Gifvlei airport
- FAGL Groblersdal airport
- FAGLAT Friends Against Global Terrorism